Thursday, October 28, 2010

He's His Own Person!

Owen's not right.  Let's just go ahead and put that out there.

And while we're at it, let's just go ahead and put it out there that he's my mini-me and totally my payback.  TOTALLY.

He doesn't care what people think.  And if he thinks that you are judging him on something, it will make him want to do it that much more.

But that part I like.  I like that he doesn't fall into peer pressure.  He is his own person.

But that could totally come back to bite me square in the a-double-snakes later on but for right now, it's pretty cool.

On Wednesdays, the kids at his school can wear a hat if they donate a dollar to the general fund that is used to help families in need.  I asked him which hat he was going to wear, thinking that he would choose the Redskins or something.

But, no.  He went straight for *my* pink Washington Nationals hat and put it on his head.

When I asked him if he was sure about that, he said definitely.  He said that he was wearing it to bring attention to women's breast cancer and he didn't care what the kids thought.

Well, he came home from school and, as expected, said that the kids made fun of him.  I asked him how he handled it, he said that he told them to be quiet and then informed then WHY he was wearing it.

He said that he would wear it again next Wednesday.  He doesn't care what they think.

So, today is wear sunglasses to school as part of the DARE awareness week.  Of course he's not going to wear just *any* pair of sunglasses!

Heh.  I love that kid!  :heart:


ginny said...

He is his own person and yes that will come back to bite you.

susan said...

Wow. Sheldon doesn't even know what breast (or any) cancer is...and I'm a nurse. He is very smart!!